
dump bucket meaning in English



  1. On the day they tested the machine , the temperature refused to budge , and the men took turns standing on the stepladder and dumping buckets of boiling water over the gas canisters
  2. Just about the time mother got to the part in the eulogy about daddy ' s sense of humor and i started to cry , from nowhere came a cloud which dumped buckets of rain on us
    当母亲读到悼文中追忆父亲风趣幽默的部分时,我开始哭起来,天上也不知从哪里飘来一团乌云,下起了倾盆大雨,我奋力地划着船,只一会儿,全身就都湿透了,我说道: “我得赶快离开这里。
  3. Such products , whose front end are equipped with swing boom device ( as picture shows ) , and side - dumping bucket , can work closely to the house corner or edge , very suitable for those operations in narrow working sites , without frequent driving the machines
    这种产品,在机体前部装备了动臂侧移装置(如右图) ,配合反转铲斗,机器可以近距离的靠近墙角屋边,非常适合在狭小的空间作业,工作中无须频繁移动机身,狭窄地带的作业可以应对自如,从而真正实现了类似墙角等狭窄地带的直接挖掘工作。

Related Words

  1. dumps
  2. dump heater
  3. cooling dump
  4. differential dump
  5. dumping field
  6. straw dump
  7. rerun dump
  8. landfill dumping
  9. dumping box
  10. dump mode
  11. dump box machine
  12. dump box moulding
  13. dump buggy
  14. dump car
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